The Prisoner of Cell 25 by Richard Paul Evans

The Prisoner of Cell 25 is a YA novel that follows a high school student named Michael Vey who has a very unusual secret, he can control electricity. As with most YA novels this one starts out with Michael in high school, he's not one of the popular kids and only has one true friend. He gets picked on a lot and because he's trying to keep his "powers" secret, he can't fight back against the torment. Michael of course is in love with the hottest girl in school, Taylor Riddley. One day when Michael is leaving school three bullies start jump him, after a little bit of scraping Michael reaches his breaking point and zaps the three other boys. Taylor who is leaving cheer practice see's all this take place, and now she know's his secret. Come to find out Taylor has electrical powers as well, although they differ from Michael's.
All in all this was a pretty fun read, nothing too deep and meaningful though. I've heard the term "mind candy before and I think that fits this book pretty well. It doesn't do anything different, and pretty much follows the same pattern as the rest of the YA. I also noticed a few grammatical errors, but those don't really bother me unless it gets REALLY bad.